Category: More writing

I lunched with a recently widowed friend, hoping she would benefit from activity after the death of her long-time spouse. I was newly acquainted with this friend in mourning. As she described the mourning practices of her Jewish faith, I was transported back to my six-year-old view of my own mother’s widowhood. My father just …

When I moved to Southern California last year, I noticed the abundance of winter birds. They, like me, were here for the winter sun. I put out many different feeders in my yard–for big birds, hummingbirds and little birds, and then I waited to see if my dining invitation would appeal to my potential friends. …

Your Intrinsic responsibility: be happy

Many of us have made a Bodhisattva Vow to “I vow to save all beings.” OMG–this is so exhausting! And where am I in this endless process? I propose the Pre-Bodhisattva vow: I vow to be happy. I have discovered that is is very difficult–if not impossible– to do much good for anyone when I …

the eightfold path to impeachment

How do we continue Buddhist practice and let go of the desired (and very righteous) outcome in these daily drama filled eventful politics? There is so much suffering and purposeful cruelty–so much at stake for so many vulnerable people. We can’t do nothing; we can’t just let go of thoughts and emotions. What to do? …

Just Don’t Make your suffering Worse I woke up exhausted this morning. After 3 years of watching the horror called American Politics, I am looking for sustenance to continue. What is the truth, and how can I help. I remember my Zen sister and mentor Maylie Scott repeating the words of Myoon Maurine Stuart Roshi: “Just …

This is part 1 of a 2-part blog post of my article THE PROMISE AND PERIL OF BUDDHIST MEDITATION forthcoming in Psychoanalytic inquiry (2020). The word peril evokes for me the “Perils of Pauline.” Pauline, our tortured heroine, is tied to the railroad tracks with a fast approaching train promising her gruesome and speedy demise. …

This is part 2 of a 2-part blog post of my article THE PROMISE AND PERIL OF BUDDHIST MEDITATION forthcoming in Psychoanalytic inquiry (2020). Religious Beliefs and Inadequate Cultural Understanding of Teacher and Training      As Buddhism has migrated to the West, the image of the teachers or gurus, lamas, rinpoches, and roshis has been …